Homemade mascara: Natural and eye friendly

Why homemade mascara? For a long time currently my entire make-up program has actually been a dab of lip balm and a quick brush of mascara. Yet I still questioned if these 2 little “makeup essentials” were truly good for me. Being the hippie-lovin’-green-livin’ type gal that I am, I was pretty sure the answer was “no.” And that’s why I’m here to share my all natural homemade mascara recipe with you.


What is in mascara anyway?

Mascara go back to ancient Eygpt. Most formulas contain the same basic elements: pigmentation, oils, and waxes. But most mascaras on the market these days have plenty of other “stuff” lurking about them.

Cosmetics are very loosely regulated by the FDA. There is a good deal of freedom for the beauty industry in the formulation of cosmetics. There are some problem for some ingredients found in mascara since they have been found to cause cancer cells in mice, and others are understood to be extremely toxic to the human body. (source).

I’ve been using an organic “all natural” mascara for the past couple of years. In fact, I made the switch long before I ditched all my other toxic beauty products. My old “volumizing” mascara made my eyes red and itchy. Apparently allergies prevail with mascara users. These responses are often associateded with methylparaben, aluminum powder, ceteareth-20, butylparaben, or benzyl alcoholic beverages that are often located in mascaras.

But also this (more pricey) organic brand was complete of active ingredients that I didn’t quite feel safe around. And I’ve gotten on a “make your own” kick, so why not homemade mascara?

Homemade Mascara Recipes

2 tsp coconut oil (where to find coconut products)
4 tsp aloe vera gel
1/2  – 1 tsp grated bees wax*
1 – 2 capsules of activated charcoal (for black) or cocoa powder (for brown)
a clean mascara container

Update: Due to temperature differences you may want to add more beeswax to give more “hold” to your mascara. Keep in mind that coconut oil is a liquid above 75 degrees. I’d increase the beeswax to 3/4 or even 1 tsp if it’s really warm where you live… or if you want more of a “waterproof” mascara.